With the abrupt demise of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 marketers are racking their brains to think of legal offers to woo customers to the digital economy. I was very impressed that chains like Future Group were able to pull off an instant sale up to midnight the day the news was announced. The wallets must of course be dancing with joy, and I’m sure it’s been a great day for online retailers, but how should traditional retailers deal with this shift? Because while tomorrow cash will start coming back into the system I think buyer behaviour would have permanently shifted in certain sectors. I can’t see hoarders stashing cash under their beds till this fades from their memory. Not so long ago the women of many business families wore chains with a 100 gold coins, like a portable wallet. I can certainly see them coming back into fashion
In this week’s issue we have a take on why any publicity is good publicity (Kanye West for President in 2020!), and Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s piece on the Intellectual Yet Idiot (that can’t possibly be People Like Us!)
It’s been an intense week for many and so I’d like to sign off with a light hearted quiz question – “What’s the marketer’s favourite musical instrument?” Mail me if you know the answer.
The post PLU vs PLT and The Pitfalls of Confirmation Bias appeared first on Paul Writer.